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AFM in Zimbabwe at 100 Years 2.0.1
Quality Data Solutions
AFM Centenary Celebration Conference 2015Mobile ApplicationApostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe is proud to celebrate its100 year milestone (1915 – 2015). The Celebrations will be held atRufaro Conference Centre in Masvingo Province 250km south-east ofHarare from Wednesday 26 to Sunday the 30th of August 2015 underthe theme; Celebrating 100 years of being established on a solidfoundation based on 1 Corinthians 3:11.The Chairman and President of AFM in Zimbabwe Reverend Dr.Aspher Madziyire amiably invites all members of the church from allthe corners of the country and abroad to take this spirituallyvital pilgrimage. It is indeed a prestigious Pentecostal event.Apostolic Faith Mission together with the entire Christiancommunity in Zimbabwe have a reason to come and rejoice for suchGrace.“For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid,which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:11\This mobile application carries the following details which willbe continouly updated as the August 2015 Celebrations approach andthere after.1. The AFM in Zimbabwe Centenary Conference 2015 theme, venue,dates and details.2. The History of the Apoostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe.3. The Apostolic Faith in Zimbabwe current NationalLeadership.4. The Apostolic Faith MIssion in Zimbabwe ProvincialLeadership(Overseers), there are now around 29 Provincesnationally.5. Contact details for the Apostolic Faith in Zimbabwe.6. Updates on profiles of people, pastors, evangelists, singers etcassociated with the Apostolic Faith MIssion in Zimbabwe from thestart.7. More updates during and after the Centenary CelebrationsConference.Hope you will be blessed as you use this application.
Mitupo - Totems Zimbabwe 1.0.0
Quality Data Solutions
ChingamidzoTinokugamuchirai nemufaro kudunhu rino muchamhepo imo mumatengapambozhanhare dzenyu dzemucheno(smartphones) idzi,pamatombo(tablets) ekunyorera nekuona nyika nepamakombiyuta enyu.Chirongwa chino munochiburitsirwa mumhepo nenyanzvi muzvirongwazvekuisa mabhizimisi pamakombiyuta nembozhanhare dzemucheno dukunehuru muZimbabwe nepasi rose, vakomana nevasikana vechikwatacheQuality Data Solutions (QDS).Beta Wabata Dhliwayo,Bhebhe vokwaTumbare,GumboMadyirapanze,Gumbo Madyirapazhe,Gwai Gumbi,Hlatywayo Nungu,HumbaNyanguru,Mbano Matemavi,Mbuya Chikonamombe,Mhlanga Dhuve,MoyoAkatakwa,Moyo Chirandu,Moyo Mugonderwa,Moyo Mushoriwa,MoyoMuturikwa,Moyo Nematombo,Moyo Shayamombe,Moyo Sinyoro,MoyoSithole,Moyo Wadyegora,Moyo Wakapiwa,Moyondizvo,MusoniShinda,Mutonga Mupamombe,Ngara WaMambo,Nhari Unendoro,NhewaSimboti,Nzou Samanyanga,Shava Mazarura,Shava Mhizha,ShavaMufakose,Shava Museyamwa,Shava Mutenhesanwa,Shava Mwendamberi,ShavaNyakudirwa,Shava Vhuramavi,Shayamombe Dziva,Shiri Maokomavi,ShongaNyati,Shumba Gurundoro,Shumba Jichidza,Shumba Mhazi,ShumbaMurambwi,Shumba Nyamuzihwa,Shumba Sipambi,Soko Chuma,SokoKumene,Soko Moyondizvo,Soko Murehwa,Soko Nehumba,Soko VhudzijenaWachenuka,Tembo Mazvimbakupa,Tembo Shumba Samaita,TemboWakapiwa,Tsiwo Gushungo,Zenda SimbiroriDisclaimer: We are not liable for anything that arises from theuse of this application. We are providing this as a Free Service tothe Zimbabwe community, the content therein is found in the publicdomain in different formats, syntax and structures. If you findanything which needs correction or additions, please do nothesitate to contact us.